Dairy Free Mango Pineapple Smoothie

Dairy free mango pineapple smoothie.
A delicious refreshing chilled and filling smoothie for your breakfast.
Its dairy free. Used coconut milk in it. Mixed taste of mango pineapple, coconut milk and a dash of cinnamon made this smoothie super yummy. A perfect drink for fasting days.
And its just three ingredients smoothie. If you don’t like cinnamon then you can omit it. Or you can increase the amount of cinnamon powder if you love the flavour.
Its peak mango season. You can get so many varieties juicy Mangoes or king of the fruit in this season. Yes its called king of the fruit because of its lip smacking taste.

Not only delicious Mangoes are packed with vitamins like A, C, and K. While, good levels of vitamin K are beneficial for our bone health and vitamin A promotes good eye health. … Mango is one of the highest food sources of vitamin C. This vitamin is essential for your immune system.

Pineapples are delicious tropical fruits, which have been celebrated for centuries not only for their unique taste but also for their miraculous health benefits. The health and medicinal benefits of pineapple include boosting the immune system, and respiratory health, aiding digestion and strengthening bones. They also help in reducing inflammation, curing coughs and colds, and accelerating weight loss.

Instead of milk or yoghurt I have used coconut milk in it for a dairy free version. It has also numerous health benefits.
Coconut milk improves Heart Health by Lowering Blood Pressure and Cholesterol. Builds Muscle and Helps Lose Fat. Provides Electrolytes and Prevents Fatigue. Helps Lose Weight. Improves Digestion and Relieves Constipation. Manages Blood Sugar and Controls Diabetes. Helps Prevent Anemia.

So this smoothie is not only delicious, refreshing and filling but its healthy too. You don’t need ice if you are using frozen fruits. But if you have fresh fruits add some ice cubes to make it chilled.


Mango – 1 cup, chopped

Pineapple – 1 cup, chopped

Coconut milk – 1 cup

Cinnamon powder – 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon, optional

Honey or sugar to taste

Sliced almond to garnish

1. Blend mango and pineapple pieces in a mixer grinder.

2. Add coconut milk and blend again.

3. Taste and add honey or sugar to taste. My fruits are too sweet so I didn’t add any sweetener.

4. Add cinnamon powder if using. Blend again.

5. Place some ice cubes in your favorite glass. Pour the mixture over it.

6. Garnish with sliced almond and serve chilled.


1. You can use any fruit of your choice instead of mango and pineapple.

2. If you don’t like cinnamon then you can omit it and use cardamom or any flavour of your choice.

If you tried my recipe, you can share your food pictures with me in the social network sites by using hash tag, #batterupwithsujata
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Spicy Pineapple Virgin Margarita

Spicy pineapple virgin margarita.
A chilled delicious refreshing alcohol free drink.
Sweetness of pineapple, flavour of cumin and mint, hint of chilli and pink salt and tanginess of lemon makes the drink super yummy 😋

Pineapples are rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. They may help boost the immune system, build strong bones and aid indigestion. Also, despite their sweetness, pineapples are low in calories.

So you can call it a healthy drink. Diet conscious people can enjoy this guilt free delicious drink.

I made it with or without sparkling water. Both are superbly delicious. You can serve it as a party drink. I didn’t add sugar in it. But if you like you can add sugar or sugar syrup according to your taste. I love this drink with the natural sweetness of pineapple.


Pineapple – 1 heaped cup, chopped

Mint leaves – 7 – 8

Water – 1/2 cup

Black salt – 1/2 teaspoon or to taste

Chilli flakes or red chilli powder – 1/4 teaspoon

Cumin powder – 1/2 teaspoon

Lemon juice – 2 tablespoon


1. Blend pineapple and mint leaves with water in a blender.

2. Strain the juice with a strainer.
Add pink or black salt, chilli flakes or powder, cumin powder and lemon juice. Blend again. You can add some ice cube with it.

3. Taste and add more salt and lemon juice if require.

4. Rub lemon on the rim of the glass. Now dip the rim in pink salt.

5. Place some ice cube in the glass. Pour pineapple mixture over it.

6. Garnish with lemon wedges and serve chilled.


1. You can add sugar or sugar syrup if you like.

2. I didn’t use sparkling water but if you want add it just before serving.

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Fruity Salad With Corn Cucumber And Parsley

Fruity salad with corn, cucumber, and Parsley.
A perfect dish for this scorching summer. And a great way to feed kids fruit. A chilled bowl of this fruit salad is filling, delicious and easy to make.

You can use any fruit of your choice. I have used watermelon, pineapple and mango with sweet corn, cucumber, tomato and Parsley.

You can use grapes, banana, apples, kiwi, pomegranate, orange or any fruits you have. If you don’t like Parsley then you can use mint, basil, cilantro or coriander leaves or any herb of your choice. Mix salt and pepper. Drizzle lemon juice and serve immediately or keep in refrigerator and serve chilled. Enjoy a bowl full of chilled fruity salad.
You can get two more salad recipes here.

Pea chickpea low calorie salad

Mango pomegranate tender coconut salsa

Our this week’s 149th #Foodiemonday bloghop theme is #salad.
When all the members vote for salad, I thought of my favourite fruit salad. Yes I love it as lunch in this hot weather. You can adjust the pepper powder according to your taste. Use any fruit available in your pantry. Lemon juice, black salt and pepper powder will make your salad delicious.


Sweet corn – 1 cup

Cucumber – 1 cup, diced

Watermelon – 1 cup, scooped or cubed

Pineapple – 1 cup, diced

Mango – 1 cup, scooped or cubed

Tomato – 2, small

Black salt or rock salt – 1 teaspoon

Black pepper powder – 1/2 teaspoon or to taste

Lemon juice – 2 tablespoon

Chopped Parsley – 2 tablespoon


1. Chop the tomatoes in small pieces. Take only outer part. Remove the pulp or seed. Don’t discard, you can use it in the curries.

2. In a bowl add all the ingredients and chopped tomatoes. You can use halved cherry tomatoes if you want.

3. Add salt, pepper powder and lemon juice.

4. Mix well. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Add more salt, pepper and lemon juice if require.

5. Serve immediately or keep in refrigerator and serve chilled.

Notes –

1. You can use any fruit of your choice.

2. If you don’t have Parsley then you can use chopped mint leaves, basil, cilantro or any herb of your choice.

3. You can also use finely sliced 1 onion in it.

4. You can add chopped green chilli if you like your salad spicy.

I would love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts and suggestions in comment.

If you tried my recipe, you can share your food pictures with me in the social network sites by using hash tag, #batterupwithsujata
I would love to see your creations.

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Sugar Free Pineapple Sandesh / Diabetic Friendly Sweet / Naturally Sweetened

Sugar free pineapple sandesh.
A delicious sweet for diabetic and diet conscious people. Actually its superbly delicious so everyone can enjoy these guilt free sweets.

A sandesh without any artificial sweetener. But its perfectly sweet. Sweetness of pineapple and raisins made these sandesh sweet and yummy.
So a healthy treat for not only diabetic people but for everyone. Diet conscious people its for you too. Enjoy the natural sweetness without any guilt.

Already shared one more sugar free sweet recipe here. To get the recipe click on the name.

Sugar free carrot bottle gourd fudge or barfi

This sandesh recipe is very easy and simple. You don’t need much ingredients to make it. I have used homemade paneer/cottage cheese and khoya or milk solid in it. Both are made with skimmed milk.
Get the method of making khoya/mawa or dried milk or milk solid here.

You can get the method of making paneer or cottage cheese here.

Sandesh will get it’s perfect sweetness from raisins and pineapple. I have used little yellow food colour to make these attractive. You can skip colour if you want. And if you don’t have pineapple essence use cardamom powder or vanilla or any flavour of your choice.


Paneer or cottage cheese – 1 cup, tightly packed

Khoya/mawa or dried milk – 1/4 cup

Chopped pineapple – 1/2 cup

Raisins – 1/4 cup

Pineapple essence – 2 – 3 drop

Yellow food colour – a pinch, optional


1. Soak the raisins in hot water for 15 minutes.

2. In your mixer grinder blend or grind soaked raisins and chopped pineapple.

3. Add crumbled paneer or cottage cheese and khoya or milk solid. Blend again to make a smooth mixture.

4. Pour the mixture into a nonstick or heavy bottom pan.
Cook on low flame stirring continually.

5. Cook till the mixture becomes a dough like consistency.
Remove from heat. Add pineapple essence and mix well. Let it cool down.

6. Add yellow food colour if you want to use. Mash it with you palm to make smooth.

7. Now grease your favourite mould with little oil or ghee.
Shape your sandesh as you like.

8. If you don’t have mould simply make them small round ball. And serve as laddu.

You can garnish your laddu with chopped pistachio.

Enjoy the delicious pineapple flavoured sugar free sandesh without any guilt.


1. You can use store bought crumbled cottage cheese and milk solid in it. But fresh cottage cheese is better.

2. If you don’t have pineapple essence then you can use any flavour of your choice.

3. You can also make it without khoya or milk solid. Just use 1/4 cup paneer or cottage cheese more.

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Pineapple Cupcake / Gluten Free Cake / Protein Rich Cake / Soyabean Flour Cake

Eggless gluten free pineapple cupcake with soyabean flour.
You can call it a protein rich or high protein cake. A perfect protein diet for your kids and you both. Soyabean flour made the cake super soft.

Soyabean flour is a rich source of proteins, iron, B vitamins and calcium.
It is said that consuming soybean helps to reduce the risk of many health related problems. And it gives the cake a lovely texture, colour, taste and flavour. Taste is better than wheat flour. So not only yummy its also a healthy treat.

Consumption of Soy products every few days, like soy beans, tofu and soya milk among others, will ensure an adequate intake of protein.
Source – https://www.chefatlarge.in/health/top-10-sources-vegetarian-protein-58251/

Our this week’s 138th #Foodiemonday bloghop theme is #Pinapple.
My contribution is this pineapple cupcake.

Delicious soft cake with the taste of pineapple. Didn’t use wheat flour in it. Try this cake made with soyabean flour, oats and condensed milk and enjoy the heavenly taste. You will love the taste of pineapple chunks in it.

You can also make pineapple upside down cake with this batter.




Soyabean flour tends to brown quickly so you have to make it at low heat. I have used vanilla essence in it but you can use pineapple essence. If you don’t have soyabean flour you can use any flour of your choice. I have used canned pineapple. If you have fresh pineapple you can use it.




Soyabean flour – 1 cup

Oats – 1/2 cup

Cornflour – 2 tablespoon

Baking powder – 1 teaspoon

Baking soda – 1/2 teaspoon

Condensed milk – 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoon

Oil – 1/2 cup

Milk – 1/4 cup

Apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon

Vanilla essence – 1 teaspoon

Pineapple juice – 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoon or as require

Chopped pineapple – 3/4 cup

Cherries as require




1. Preheat the oven at 170° for 10 minutes.

2. Grease the cupcake or muffin moulds or line with cupcake liners.

3. Mix vinegar with milk and keep aside. You can use any gluten free vinegar or fruit vinegar. Milk should be room temperature.

4. Chop the pineapple into small pieces.

Cut the cherries into half.

5. Grind the oats into fine powder.

6. In a bowl sift soyabean flour, oats powder, cornflour, baking powder and soda.

7. In a large bowl beat condensed milk, vinegar mixed milk, and oil. Mix well and add vanilla essence.

8. Now add the dry ingredients gradually. At first mix half of the flour, mix and then add remaining flour.

9. Add pineapple juice as require to make a pourable batter. You can use fresh pineapple juice or if you are using canned pineapple like me use the syrup.

10. Don’t over beat. Mix well and make a lump free batter.
Fold in chopped pineapple.

11. Fill the cupcake or muffin moulds with this batter. Fill the moulds 3/4.
Tap the moulds gently. Place half cherry on every cupcakes. I have made 12 cupcakes and a small cake with remaining batter.



12. Bake in preheated oven at 170° for 20 minutes.
Insert a toothpick in one of the cupcake. If its comes out clean, cakes are ready.

13. If not bake again at 160° for 5 minutes or until the toothpick comes out clean.

14. Let the cupcakes cool down.
Enjoy delicious, soft, moist, high protein, gluten free cupcakes.
Happy baking!!


1. You can make this cupcakes with refined flour or maida or whole wheat flour if you want.

2. You can use butter instead of oil.

3. You can replace oats powder with any flour.

4. Soyabean flour tends to brown quickly so bake it at low heat.

5. You can use pineapple essence instead of vanilla.

6. You can also make a single cake with this batter.

7. If you want to use egg, omit 1/4 cup milk and vinegar and use 1 – 2 egg instead.


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