Watermelon Cantaloupe Mint Smoothie

Watermelon cantaloupe mint smoothie.
Watermelon is easily available in this season. This refreshing fruit has mostly water and full of nutrients.
I love chilled watermelon juice in summer. And tried this juice with many other ingredients to make different delicious dishes.

Today sharing a smoothie with it. Pairing it with another summer fruit cantaloupe or muskmelon or Kharbuj. Lightly flavoured with mint.
If you don’t like mint you can use cinnamon or any other flavour of your choice.

I didn’t use any sweetener in it. Watermelon and cantaloupe made the smoothie perfectly sweet.
You can get some more watermelon recipes here. Click on the name to get the recipe.

Watermelon sandesh

Watermelon muffins

Watermelon cooler with Tulsi and aloe vera

Litchi watermelon dates peach smoothie

Virgin mojito / mocktail with watermelon and Fanta

Virgin watermelon mojito

Sending this post to the 144 #Foodiemonday bloghop yoghurt based theme.
I was thinking about a yoghurt based curry to share today. But this time I want to share my breakfast with you. Yes in summer smoothie is a best breakfast option. Chilled, refreshing, filling and yummy.

If you are a regular reader of my blog then you know that I have shared different smoothie recipes in every summer.
Today I have used cantaloupe in it. But you can use one banana instead if you want.
Keep it in refrigerator or add some crushed ice cubes and enjoy the chilled glass of healthy fruity smoothie.


Thick yoghurt – 1/2 cup

Watermelon juice – 1 cup

Kharbuj /cantaloupe /muskmelon – 1/2 cup, chopped


Banana – 1, chopped

Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon

Mint leaves – 1 tablespoon, torned with hand

Black salt – a pinch


1. In a blender blend cantaloupe, torn mint leaves and thick yoghurt.

2. Now add watermelon juice, black salt and lemon juice.
Blend again.

3. Taste and add little more lemon juice and black salt if require.

I didn’t use any sweetener in it because my watermelon and cantaloupe both are sweet. But if you want you can add a teaspoon of honey or sugar if require

4. Pour the mixture in your favourite glass. Garnish with watermelon and mint leaves.

5. Keep in refrigerator or add crushed ice cubes.
Serve chilled.

Enjoy the delicious refreshing chilled smoothie.


1. You can use cinnamon powder instead of mint leaves or any other flavour of your choice.

2. If you don’t like cantaloupe use one banana instead.

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