Stir Fry Black Rice (By Alka Jena) 

Black rice stir fry a guest post by Alka Jena. 

Black rice is quite popular in Asia. The black rice has a texture similar to brown rice, but with a more prominent nutty flavor. The dark color of the rice is due to the un-milled rice grain, which leaves a dark husk. It is this outer layer of bran that sets black rice apart from other types of unpolished rice. This dark husk contains a special phytonutrients, called anthocyanins which is responsible for the reds, blues, purples, and magenta colours found in blueberries, grapes etc.In ancient China, Black Rice was known as “Emperor’s Rice”, and it was reserved exclusively for Chinese Royalty. Since black rice was quite rare, and for this reason it is known as “forbidden rice” also.

Thanks a lot Alka Jena for taking out your time and coming up with this amazing recipe post.

My friend Alka Jena is a very talented Blogger, Photographer, Food Stylist, Recipe Developer and the driving force behind her blog. In her blog she share her passion for home cooked food which she capture through her lenses. She is a self-taught cook and a Photographer who try to create magic with everyday cooking.

Check out her blog for this Stir fry black rice recipe and many more delicious recipes

Culinary Express

Now coming to the recipe A Stir fry is one of her  favorite kind of recipes which is a kind of comforting meal . So for this stir fry, she used black rice, carrots, brocoli, peas both green and black eyed along with pear and pomegranate. You can find different textures like the softness from carrots and chewy from black rice. The Pear and Pomegranate adds a kind of sweetness to the dish. This is a powerhouse of nutrients from all the vegetables and black rice.

Visit her blog for the detailed recipe

Black Rice Stir Fry