Virgin Watermelon Mojito 

Virgin mojito with watermelon and cucumber. 

A refreshing, delicious and chilled drink to keep your body hydrated. Watermelon and cucumber both have high water content. So its a perfect drink to beat the heat.

Mojito is a traditional Cuban highball. Traditionally mojito is a cocktail or alcohol based drink consist of mint leaves, lime juice, sugar sparkling water and white rum.

But alcohol free virgin mojito has lime juice, mint leaves and sugar syrup.

I have made this mojito sugar-free.  You don’t need to add sugar because this mojito has natural sweetness of watermelon. But you can add little sugar or sugar syrup if you want your drink more sweet. 

Watermelon is a most refreshing fruit of this summer season. Its low in calories but high in vitamin A, C and many healthy plant compounds. This fruit have high water content so its help you to keep your body hydrated and help you feel full.

And some benefits of cucumbers are 

Cucumbers are predominantly made of water.

Some people use cucumbers to soothe sunburn.

Early research shows that a compound found in cucumbers might help fight cancer.

Cucumbers contain lignan, which may help fight cardiovascular disease.

Cucumber is a versatile foodstuff and can be added to a variety of dishes.


Our this week’s #Foodiemonday bloghop theme is watermelon. My contribution is this virgin mojito with watermelon and cucumber. 

This mojito is not only refreshing and delicious but healthy too. And mint, lemon and back salt makes this mojito super yummy.


Seedless watermelon cubes – 2 cup 

Cucumber – 1 small peeled and chopped 

Grated ginger – 1/2 teaspoon 

Mint leaves – 1/4 cup 

Lemon juice – 2 tablespoon 

Club soda – 1/2 cup

Black or pink salt – 1/2 teaspoon or to taste 

Black pepper powder – 1/2 teaspoon or to taste 

Mint leaves and lemon wedges for garnishing
Crushed ice optional 


Combine seedless watermelon cubes, peeled and chopped cucumber, grated ginger, lemon juice and black or pink salt. 

Blend in a mixer blender. Blend until smooth. 

Strain the mixture. 

Add club soda. Taste and adjust salt  pepper and lemon juice if require. You can add sugar or sugar syrup if you want your drink more sweet. 

Pour the mixture into a glass. Add some crushed ice. 

Garnish with mint string, lemon and watermelon wedges. Place a mint leaf in the glass. 

Serve chilled. Enjoy………….