Data Posto Or Drumsticks With Poppy Seeds

Data posto or drumsticks with poppy seeds.
Data posto is a very common dish of Bengali household. You can make it with tender and thick both type of drumsticks. If you are using thick drumstick scrap the skin before using. Sometimes we make it with only poppy seeds and green chilli paste and sometime adding mustard powder with or without poppy seeds. All the three dishes taste totally different and delicious.
I have already shared a drumstick or sojne data recipe with mustard and panch phoran or Bengali five spices. Get the recipe here

Poppy seed is an oilseed obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). The tiny poppy seed is mentioned in ancient medical texts from many civilizations. It takes 3,300 poppy seeds to make up a gram, and a pound contains between 1 and 2 million seeds. Poppy seeds are widely used in Austrian, Indian, Croatian, Czech, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Turkish and Ukrainian cuisines.
7 Health Benefits Of Poppy Seeds

1. Poppy seeds can improve your digestion.
2. Poppy seeds can assist in antioxidant defense.
3. Poppy seeds can assist in red blood cell formation.
4. Poppy seeds can help improve cognitive functioning.
5. Poppy seeds may boost your bone health.
6. Poppy seeds are perfect for helping manage your blood pressure.
7. Poppy seeds can help your slumber at night.

Today I am sharing two different taste of drumstick with poppy seeds or khas khas. One with only poppy seeds or khas khas and green chilli and other is with mustard powder and poppy seeds. Recipe is similar but adding mustard, you will get totally different taste. You can skip potato if you want, make it with only drumstick. My mother in law used to make it with only thick variety drumsticks.

Recipe is very easy and simple. You need only poppy seeds and green chilli paste with salt and turmeric powder. If you want to make sorshe posto die data or drumsticks with poppy seeds and mustard then add only 1 tablespoon mustard powder with poppy seeds paste.


Drumstick – 250 gram

Potatoes – 2 large

Poppy seeds or khas khas – 3 tablespoon

Green chilli – 3 – 4 or to taste

Salt to taste

Turmeric powder – 1/2 teaspoon

Mustard oil – 1 & 1/2 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon

Water – 1 & 1/2 cup + 1/4 cup

For poppy seeds and mustard drumstick –
Mustard powder – 1 tablespoon


1. Soak poppy seeds or khas khas in 1/4 cup hot water for 30 minutes or microwave for 1 minute.

2. Grind soaked poppy seeds with green chilli with the help of little water.

3. Peel and cut the potatoes lengthwise.

4. Rinse and cut the drumsticks into 2 inch piece. If you are using thick drumstick then scrap the skin lightly.

5. Heat 1& 1/2 tablespoon mustard oil in a pan or wok.

6. Add chopped potatoes and drumsticks. You can add 1/2 teaspoon Nigella seeds or kalonji for tempering. I didn’t. Add Nigella seeds in hot oil before adding potatoes and drumstick if using.

7. Fry for 2 – 3 minutes.
Add salt, turmeric powder and green chilli, poppy seeds paste. Mix well.

8. If you want to make it with poppy seeds and mustard, then soak 1 tablespoon mustard powder in 3 tablespoon water for 10 – 15 minutes. Add with poppy seeds and green chilli paste. But first time try it with only poppy seeds and then try with mustard to enjoy both taste.

9. When dried up add water. Cover and cook till potatoes and drumsticks becomes soft and dried up completely.

10. Add 1 teaspoon mustard oil and mix well. This step is optional but adding mustard oil at the end gives extra zing.
Serve with steamed rice.


Potatoes are optional. You can make it with only drumsticks.

If you tried my recipe, you can share your food pictures with me in the social network sites by using hash tag, #batterupwithsujata
I would love to see your creations.

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Tender Drumstick Potato Dry Curry With Bengali Five Spices / Sojne Data Chochchori

Tender drumstick potato dry curry with Bengali five spices or sojne data chochchori.
A very simple yet delicious Bengali recipe using panch phoran or Bengali five spices which is consists of fenugreek seeds or methi, Nigella seed or kalaunji, cumin seed or jeera, mustard seed or sarso and fennel seed or sounf.

You don’t need much spices to make it. You need only turmeric powder, mustard powder and red chilli powder to make this delicious dry curry with tender drumstick and potatoes.

The drumstick or moringa plant is one of those rare species, where every part is beneficial for health and wellness. While the world celebrates moringa leaves and moringa powder as superfoods, the stalks are equally powerful, and have been used since time immemorial in Indian kitchens to add a dash of health to your diet.
Drumsticks are rich in two vital nutrients that are essential to bone health, keeping osteoporosis and osteoarthritis at bay. Calcium and iron are both minerals that are known to enhance the quality of your bones, so consuming an adequate amount of drumsticks can really help with that.

I have used mustard powder in it. You can use mustard paste if you want. You can skip potatoes if you don’t like potatoes. Make it with only drumsticks and enjoy the delicious flavourful drumstick dry curry. Or you can add eggplant and pumpkin with potatoes in this drumstick curry.


Tender drumstick – 200 gram

Potatoes – 3 – 4

Tomato – 1 large, chopped

Panch phoran or Bengali five spices – 1 teaspoon

Turmeric powder – 1/2 teaspoon

Red chilli powder – 1 teaspoon

Salt to taste

Mustard powder – 1 tablespoon

Mustard oil – 2 tablespoon

Water – 1 & 1/2 cup + 4 tablespoon


1. Peel and cut the potatoes into lengthwise.

2. Wash the tender drumsticks well. Cut and discard the both ends. Chop the drumsticks into 1 inch pieces.

3. Mix 1 tablespoon mustard powder with 4 tablespoon water. Stir and keep aside.

4. Heat mustard oil in a pan or wok. Add panch phoran.
Panch phoran consists of fenugreek seeds or methi, Nigella seed or kalaunji, cumin seed or jeera, mustard seed or sarso and fennel seed or sounf.

5. Let the seeds splutter. Now add potatoes.

6. Fry the potatoes for 2 minutes or till the potatoes starts to charge it’s colour.

7. Add chopped drumsticks. Saute for 2 minutes more.

8. Add salt, turmeric powder and red chilli powder mix well.

9. Add soaked mustard powder and water and cover the pan. Cook till the potatoes and drumsticks becomes soft and dried up.

10. Remove from heat.
Garnish with coriander leaves.
Serve with steamed rice or Indian flat bread.


You can also add eggplant and pumpkin with potatoes.

If you tried my recipe, you can share your food pictures with me in the social network sites by using hash tag, #batterupwithsujata
I would love to see your creations.

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