Seeds Date Oats Cookies

Oats cookies with mixed seeds, almond and sabja or basil seeds. You don’t need sugar or jaggery to make these cookies. Cookies are sweetened with dry dates powder. Enjoy the delectable taste with milk, tea or coffee. Or make large size cookies to serve as breakfast cookies.

These healthy, delicious and crispy crunchy cookies are perfect for health watchers and kids. I have used sabja or basil seeds as egg replacement. First grind and make a powder of sabja or basil seeds then soak in water for 10-15 minutes, your egg substitute is ready. Basil seeds are high in fiber, a good source of minerals, rich in plant-based omega-3 fat, and plentiful in beneficial plant compounds. Basil seeds are a little larger than chia seeds but have a similar nutritional profile. Source – Healthline

Roasted mixed seeds will give a nice crunch to your cookies and also make it healthy. This time I have a pack of roasted mixed seeds, including roasted pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, muskmelon seeds and flax seeds. I also used it in delicious Jaggery oats sesame cookies. Earlier I had a packet of roasted sunflower, pumpkin, flax, watermelon, chia and gojiberries seeds. Which I used in Wholewheat milk bread with mixed seeds,

Mango raisins overnight oats and

Gluten free bread with garlic and mixed seeds.

You can use whatever you have. Seeds are great sources of fiber. They also contain healthy monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. When consumed as part of a healthy diet, seeds can help reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. To read more about seeds click here.

As I mentioned above I didn’t use sugar or jaggery. Cookies are sweetened with dry date powder. And I love to cook or bake with this date powder. A healthier alternative of sugar or jaggery. Here are three more recipes with dry date powder shared on this blog. Check out the recipe by clicking on the name below.

1. Apple coconut kheer or pudding

2. Date almond gulkand stuffed sandesh

3. Millet walnut date cake

Now coming to the recipe. You don’t need to whisk or cream the butter first. Just combine everything, make a smooth dough, give shape and bake. You can use oatmeal if you have. I have used ground rolled oats. Also used little whole oats with roasted mixed seeds to give the cookies a crunchy texture. Dry date powder made these cookies perfectly sweet for us. But if you want your cookies sweeter then you can add 1-2 tablespoon more date powder. Taste the dough and add as require.

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Oats – 1 cup

Sabja/basil seeds – 1 tablespoon

Water – 3 tablespoon

Ghee/clarified butter or butter – 3 tablespoon

Roasted mixed seeds – 4 tablespoon

Dry date powder – 1/4 cup

Almond – 12-14

Desiccated coconut – 4 tablespoon

Cinnamon powder – 1/4 teaspoon

Baking powder – 1/2 teaspoon

Milk – 1 tablespoon

Vanilla essence – 1/2 teaspoon


1. Grease or line a baking tray. Preheat the oven at 170°.

2. Grind the sabja or basil seeds in your mixer grinder. Take out in a large bowl and add 3 tablespoon water. Keep aside for 10-15 minutes. Sabja seeds powder will soak all the water within 5 minutes.

3. In the same grinder grind almond and place on a plate. Now grind 3/4 cup rolled oats into fine powder. Reserve 1/4 cup oats to use whole.

4. In the bowl of soaked sabja seeds powder add all the ingredients. And make a smooth dough. Don’t knead much. Just combine everything well.

5. I like my cookies lightly sweetened. Taste the dough before making balls. If you want your cookies sweeter then add 1-2 tablespoon more date powder if required.

6. Make small balls and press gently with your palm. Arrange the cookies on greased or lined baking tray one inch apart. You can make these cookies small or large size breakfast cookies. I have made 13 small cookies. Press the cookies again with a fork or spoon to make flat.

7. Bake in preheated oven at 170° for 12 minutes or till the edges becomes brown.

8. Let the cookies cool down completely before serving. Cookies will soft when hot and becomes crisp after cooling. Serve these healthy and yummy cookies with milk, tea or coffee. Nutritios cookies are also great to satisfy your sudden hunger pangs or for your sweet craving.

Happy baking. Stay safe healthy happy and blessed !

This post is going to feature on Facebook gourmet group Shhhhh Cooking Secretly Challenge for the theme Stick To Seeds suggested by Archana Gunjikar Potdar. And this month my partner is also lovely Archana Gunjikar Potdar. I love her all the healthy and authentic Goan recipes. I recently bookmarked her healthy and delicious Finger millet or ragi porridge to try. Archana gave me oats and date powder and I made these date oats cookies with these ingredients. I gave her gond or edible gum and ghee as her secret ingredients. She made this Flavorful mixture.

If you tried my recipe, you can share your food pictures with me in the social network sites by using hashtag, #batterupwithsujata I would love to see your creations.

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