Parippu Vada Or Lentil fritters

Parippu vada or dal vada/lentil fritters.
Crispy, crunchy, spicy, flavourful and delicious snack from Kerala cuisine.
Very easy yet super yummy fried snack. Serve it as a snack with evening tea or enjoy as a side dish with dal chawal or lentil curry and steamed rice.
You can make delicious curry with this vada if you want.

This week our 157 #Foodiemonday bloghop theme is #OnamRecipes.
I was about to skip this week’s bloghop due to renovation of my house. I don’t like to miss these weekly bloghop. So sharing one of my favourite snack from Kerala cuisine. Easy and quick to make and delicious. You need only chana dal or split chickpeas/Bengal gram and some aromatic spices. A best accompany with dal chawal or lentil curry and steamed rice. You can use chilli according to your taste. If you want your vada more spicy, you can add 3 – 4 dry red chilli or green chilli or both. I have used both. I like my vada mildly spicy so used 1 green chilli and 1 red chilli.


Chana dal or Bengal gram/split chickpea – 1 cup

Ginger – 1 inch piece, grated

Green chilli – 1-2 finely chopped

Dry red chilli – 1 chopped

Curry leaves – 1 spring

Cilantro or coriander leaves – handful

Asafoetida or hing – a pinch

Cumin powder – 1/2 teaspoon, optional

Salt to taste

Oil for deep frying


1. Soak the Bengal gram or chana dal for 2 – 3 hours.

2. Chop cilantro or coriander leaves and curry leaves.

3. Grind soaked dal into a coarse paste. Don’t add water and don’t make it smooth.

4. Take out the ground dal in a bowl.
Add chopped curry leaves, cilantro or coriander leaves, salt, grated ginger, chopped green and red chillies, Asafoetida or hing and cumin powder.

5. Mix well. Make small balls and flatten them with your palm. Make small thin patties for crispy vada.

6. Heat sufficient oil in a pan. Oil should be enough hot.

7. Slide the patties into the hot oil.

8. Fry on low medium heat until the vada becomes dark golden brown.

9. Flip and fry the other side.
Remove from oil.

10. Serve hot with any chutney or sauce. Or serve as a side dish with dal chawal or lentil curry and steamed rice. You can sprinkle little black salt or chaat masala before serving.
Happy Onam.
Wishing everyone a blessed Onam in advance!


1. You can add finely chopped onion and minced garlic in the batter if you like.

2. Oil should be sufficient hot.

3. You can add little green peas in the batter.

4. If you like you can make curry with these vada. Make a gravy with onion garlic tomato or only ginger tomato whole spices gravy and dip the vadas in it.

If you tried my recipe, you can share your food pictures with me in the social network sites by using hash tag, #batterupwithsujata
I would love to see your creations.

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Batter Up With Sujata

Hello there! I am Sujata Roy. A homemaker, a blogger, a passionate cook, a recipe developer, a home baker, and lastly a foodie. Experimenting in the kitchen is what I love and enjoy doing the most. Specially experimenting with vegetarian dishes and egg-less cakes and cookies is what interests me more. My loved ones are fond of vegetarian cuisines, so I have them in my mind whenever I dish out a new recipe. However, I do not limit my experimental cooking to vegetarian recipes only, non-vegetarian recipe ideas are also dished out. And you can also get many healthy recipes in this blog, including different types of baking ideas with healthy ingredients. So enjoy healthy foods without compromising on taste. Thank you for visiting my blog. Happy Cooking!

30 thoughts on “Parippu Vada Or Lentil fritters”

      1. Very dangerous hobby. Family relatives and neighbors must be keeping you very busy in preparing all those delicacies

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Thanks for your nice recipe. Will sure try it out.

    On Mon, Aug 13, 2018, 06:31 Batter Up With Sujata wrote:

    > Batter Up With Sujata posted: ” Parippu vada or dal vada/lentil fritters. > Crispy, crunchy, spicy, flavourful and delicious snack from Kerala cuisine. > Very easy yet super yummy fried snack. Serve it as a snack with evening tea > or enjoy as a side dish with dal chawal or lentil curry and” >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lentil fritters are our all time favourite dish di .I make this often ..your platter looks very inviting ..perfect to go with a hot cup of chai !


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